With the funding from the Radcliffe Trust, North Lands Creative ran a 3-year Glass Skills Programme of 21 individually designed skills classes in their extensive glass-studio facility alongside the support of an excellent, highly qualified and experienced team of visiting artists to foster individual creative growth and expertise.
360 participants benefitted from the classes and it is anticipated that the on-line tutorials produced as part of each class will reach a wider online audience (est. 7,350 views).
North Lands Creative learnt that currently there is extraordinary talent coming out of UK courses in glass and the demand for these skills programmes is greater than expected.
There has been a revival of interest in flameworking and lampworking classes which will be included in future programming. North Lands Creative is delighted to play a part in safeguarding this technique and have brought a contemporary focus to a discipline that had seen a decline in practice sustainability.
Photo credits: Tim Savage