The Radcliffe Trust has supported the Royal Opera House in memory of Ivor Guest, a former Trustee of the Trust since 2018, with the Associate Pianist role. This stands unique within the sector, offering a young pianist a programme of structured training to approach a career as a ballet repetiteur. With the support from The […]

The Radcliffe Trust funded a performance and workshop, for the Belfast Festival T/A Belfast International Arts Festival, led by the celebrated Irish traditional artist Martin Hayes, this included the provision of free tickets for community participants to the performance in the Grand Opera House in February 2023. The performance featured Hayes headlining The Common Ground […]

With the funding from the Radcliffe Trust, North Lands Creative ran a 3-year Glass Skills Programme of 21 individually designed skills classes in their extensive glass-studio facility alongside the support of an excellent, highly qualified and experienced team of visiting artists to foster individual creative growth and expertise. 360 participants benefitted from the classes and […]

The grant awarded to Britannia Sailing Trust by The Radcliffe Trust was spent on putting together a traditional toolkit of hand tools necessary in the craft of wooden boatbuilding. This toolkit always stays with Britannia and is for the sole use of the volunteers, trainees and crew who do not have traditional tools of their […]

Support from the Radcliffe Trust allowed Independent Arts Projects (IAP) to realise their plans to tour the UK with live performances of Sound Symphony by Ellie Griffiths in co-production with Oily Cart in spring 2022 and deliver Sound Symphony “At Home” experience in February 2023. The Project involved an eight week physical and one week […]

The Radcliffe Trust’s grant enabled the Lettering Arts Trust (LAT) to connect with nine primary schools to offer Wild Little Letters days. Some 150 children were able to join in the cross-curricula sessions. These daylong workshops comprised a visit to Lettering Arts Trust’s gallery to view the ‘On A Knife Edge’ exhibition about endangered British […]

The Radcliffe Trust supported Gloucestershire Academy of Music in their 40th Anniversary year, to enable them to commission a new musical work for children and young people. ‘The Comet Stone’ by composer Jeff Moore was written and performed twice during the year and has been extremely well received by performers and audiences alike. Jeff Moore […]

The aim of Solem Quartet was to commission and promote new works from two composers: Jasmine Morris and David John Roche, as part of their ongoing project Beethoven Bartok Now (BBN) with the support from The Radcliffe Trust. Jasmine’s work, Hitogata, was performed with Jasmine herself on electronics and string players and dancers from Trinity […]

The Radcliffe Trust gave Friends of Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park a grant to:- Bring Heritage Crafts to Disadvantaged Communities in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park Through Green Woodworking. The original aim was to deliver free and inclusive green woodworking sessions to connect disadvantaged communities, increase skills, improve social inclusion and increase knowledge of heritage crafts.  The […]

The Ironwork Conservation Working Parties pilot scheme was set up with the help of a grant from The Radcliffe Trust to teach ironwork conservation techniques. The project, inspired by the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings’ (SPAB) ‘working party’ model, represents a diversification of education provision and is a new departure for The National […]